Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Hey everybody, first off, let me say happy holidays and may all of you have a safe and happy New Year's. We will be holding normal hours for this entire week, so you don't have to worry about any holiday scheduling. We will be open New Year's Eve 11AM to 9PM, just like normal, and New Year's Day 11AM to 9PM, just like normal!
We've got one heck of an awesome week for you guys with new books. It's like EVERYTHING that's super good is coming out this week, and we're so stoked on all the exciting series debuts, and next installments in current red hot runs, that we're about to explode. So, do yourselves a favor, and read on, because you are in for a treat this week, Third Eye faithful!

WOLVERINE 70 - OLD MAN LOGAN PT 5 Slices and Dices It's Way Into Third Eye This Week!

The big hit for this week is definitely going to be Wolverine 70, or as we all know it: Old Man Logan Chapter 5. What has clearly been the biggest storyline from this past Summer begins to count down towards tons of big reveals, and epic happenings. It's been long enough since 69 came out to where we can talk spoilers here a little.. and at the end of 69, you know when ol' Logan sat down to begin telling the story of just how the heroes were all wiped out and what changed this world.. well, you know this is the one to read. Yup, folks, all the stuff with 1985, all the stuff with FF, and all the stuff with Old Man Logan, Millar has hinted that we're going to just learn what the heck is going on in this next installment of Wolverine. And, maybe you're late to the party, and haven't heard about Old Man Logan yet.. so let me give you a quick crash course on why this is one of the biggest books of 2008 (and hell, now 2009!)

Picture this, Wolverine is no more, there's only Logan. It's set 50 years in the future, and he hasn't popped his claws in many, many years. America's a wasteland divided into territories, Dr. Doom controls most of it, Hawkeye is 80 years old and blind, the Spider-Buggy is the vehicle of choice (it even climbs up walls!), the Hulk and She-Hulk popped out many a inbred child (and now grandchildren), look.. it's craziness, it's madness, almost all the Marvel superheroes are dead... and you know you want to read this comic. So, next time you're in, just ask Trish or I.. "okay, so where's the first part of Old Man Logan?" and we'll get you hooked up.
And as for everyone else.. IT'S FINALLY OUT. Now, you can all click here for a look at Wolverine 70 OLD MAN LOGAN Chapter 5.

KICK ASS 5 available this Friday @ Third Eye Comics!!

And holy crap, it's another huge book that everyone has been eagerly awaiting! The story of Kick-Ass has hooked everyone, new and veteran readers alike, because it's just so damn.. kick-ass! But seriously, this series by Old Man Logan writer Mark Millar, and master artist John Romita Jr has been the most fun we've had reading comics in 2008. Picture this, you got this 16 year old kid, really into comics, decides to be a superhero... gets his ass kicked so bad he's hospitalized for six months.. he gets out of the hospital, ends up going through it all again, but actually gets in some lucky hits... crowd of on-lookers video tape it on their cell phones, upload it to YouTube, and wham bam, internet celebrity, viral sensation, Kick-Ass, is born... but he's still horrible at what he does. That's where Hit-Girl and Big Daddy come into play... a 10 year old girl and her dad, wielding a katana sword and eviscerating all sorts of people.
Now, does that sound awesome, or what? And if you're already hooked on Kick-Ass, then you're foaming at the mouth for this next issue, and trust me, we feel your pain, folks! But it's here, finally, the next installment of Kick-Ass which shows us the debut of...Kick-Ass's ARCH-NEMESIS! A.K.A the rich kid son of a big time mafia boss... oh, just read it, you know it's gonna be made of win. Click here to read a preview of Kick-Ass 5!


Incognito is a book that I feel you guys need to be aware of. It's going to be awesome. I've read the first 8 pages, and I absolutely positively think that this is some lightning in a bottle magic. Brubaker, the writer of such landmark stuff as the Death of Captain America, Gotham Central, Daredevil: Lady Bullseye, and Uncanny X-Men: Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire, is penning it, and his partner Sean Phillips, the man behind Marvel Zombies and Criminal, will be doing the artwork. This is dark, bleak stuff, folks. Brubaker's calling it Super-Noir, since it's basically a modern day noir-influenced tale all about superheroes.
And, just what the heck is Incognito all about? It's the story of a super-villain who's forced into a life of being a normal, honest human being. A super-villain who's in the Witness Protection program, and spends every day of his office job wanting to melt the skin from his co-worker's bones. Just watch as the cracks begin to show, and wait as we watch for him to slowly self-destruct, and you know it'll happen. The book looks awesome, and will be released under the same Marvel ICON imprint as KICK ASS. Its something a little different, and it doesn't have the huge hype machine behind it that a lot of the bigger heavyweights do, but I have a lot of faith in this, and I really hope you guys give it a shot. I like to see good comics do well.
And hey, ontop of all that, in the tradition of their series Criminal, you get more bang for your buck than any comic out there... $3.50, NO ADS, and extra content in the back.. how can you go wrong? Click here to read a preview of Incognito 1!


Here's your Dark Reign forecast for the week of 1/2/09, and we got a couple of whoppers for you. The first of which is the highly anticipated War Machine ongoing series that begins this week. Lets face it, War Machine is one of the coolest friggin' Marvel characters to come out of the 80s and 90s. He's got rocket launchers on his shoulders! And we mean that in a good way (not in the early '90s Image comics kind of way)! Definitely one of the most interesting characters to come to the forefront of things with Dark Reign, and the fact that Tony Stark's now a wanted fugitive, Jim Rhodes has everyone itchin to see where his new War Machine series is going to go. Written by the master storyteller behind PLANET HULK, Greg Pak, and pencilled by the amazing Leonard Manco (it's been a while since we've seen him do some work, but the pages I've seen from War Machine look outrageous), War Machine 1 definitely looks to be a hot pick for the new crop of Dark Reign stuff!
And hot on the heels of War Machine, we get Avengers the Initiative 2 0, which promises to reveal what will happen to the Initiative (considering it was so integral in the Skrull's plans), and watch as four key Initiative members move onto four major Marvel ongoing series.

Following the well-received Final Crisis: RAGE OF THE RED LANTERNS one-shot (which was part one of the Red Lanterns saga), is the next installment in the Rage of the Red Lanterns story.. and it's finally here! We know it took a little longer for Green Lantern 36 to come out, but now all of you who were itching for more Red Lantern action, and are curious about just where things are building to with Blackest Night... well you don't have to wait anymore, cause it's here! Green Lantern 36 gives us the first official chapter of the Rage of the Red Lanterns in the regular GL series, or if you want, the second chapter in the Rage of the Red Lanterns (if you count the one-shot). And hey, if you missed out on the one-shot, don't worry, we gots plenty of 'em here at Third Eye.
Just what is Rage of the Red Lanterns about? The Red Lanterns, fueled by well.. RAGE... want only one thing: to brutally kill Sinestro, and of course, anyone who stands in their way. So Hal and the gang have to go head to head with Atrocitus and all his fellow Red Lanterns in this issue, and what's this... now the Orange Lanterns begin to surface? Click here to read more about Green Lantern 36!

BACK TO BROOKLYN 3 brings us the next issue in Garth Ennis's (Writer of the Boys) ultraviolent Mafia saga!

If there's one thing we know here at Third Eye... it's that Garth Ennis can write a fine comic! Everyone is loving the man's run on the Boys, you've dug his excellent take on the Punisher, and Preacher is a modern classic, for sure... not to mention all the great current stuff like Crossed that he puts out... lets face it, we're all about Ennis the Menace here at Third Eye. And this week, we get the third installment of his ultra-violent, kick in the teeth mafia comic Back To Brooklyn. When you're a wiseguy, and a huge mob war is about to break out between the different gangs in your hood, what'd you do to get your family safe? You go to the cops, right? Well, what if all the cops end up getting waxed, and that doesn't do it? You convince the cops to let you go in yourself, and that's exactly what happens. Now, EVERYONE wants to kill you, and you're just trying to get your wife and kids back... add in lots of blood, some trademark Ennis screwed-upness, and of course, all the well-paced storytelling and snappy dialogue that mister Ennis is known for, and you got yourself one heck of a good read. For those of you who haven't read it, here's a preview of issue 1!

KEVIN SMITH'S BATMAN CACOPHONY 2 hits the shelves this week!

OMG WTF! A Kevin Smith book that's on time?? See, we told you guys! We know his track record has burned a few of you before (spidermanblackcatcoughcoughdaredeviltargetcoughcough), but, lets face it, we love Kevin Smith. We love his flicks, and we love his comics. The man is a true fan, and you can definitely see it in project he does. And after having read Cacophony 1, we're hooked. His humorous take on characters like Deadshot and the Joker, along with the return of his fan-favorite Green Arrow villain Onmonopea (or however you spell it!), makes this three issue mini-series a must-read. And by god, he's getting it out on time! I'm impressed. I'll admit I was a little skeptical at first too, but hey.. I like to be proven wrong, especially when it means I can get a good comic quicker! Click here to read more about Batman: Cacophony 2!


Why are we making a big deal out of what's basically a handbook? Because if there's ANY series that needs a friggin' handbook, it's Final Crisis. I mean, don't get me wrong, we're loving it! Grant Morrison's arcane storytelling, and the sense of mystery and excitement he's built into this book have made us huge fans, and after issue 5, we're so damn hooked it's not even funny. But, lets be real, folks... THERE'S A LOT GOING ON HERE! And this Final Crisis: Secret Files one-shot is here to help make sense of some of the going ons of this amazing event book.
So, if there's certain aspects or characters you wanna learn more about, then this one-shot is the perfect resource to go to. I know I'm gonna be reading this thing from cover to cover! Click here to read more about Final Crisis Secret Files!

We're all digging the heck out of this New Krypton stuff, and this week's latest installment (Chapter 9) will be taking place in the pages of Superman 683. This is the big one, folks, thousands of enraged
Kryptonians lashing out against humanity, and only one Superman to stop them!

ULTIMATE HULK ANNUAL featuring Ed McGuiness Art Out This Week!

I'm personally a story kind of guy. I follow writers, I can appreciate good art, and I have some favorites, but it's a super well-written story that gets me hooked... and that being the case, it's rare that I'll read a book strictly based on an artist's name alone. There are some artists out there who just pull me in though, and Ed McGuiness is one of those. I will read ANYTHING this guy does because it is ALWAYS so full of awesomeness it's not even funny. And what does McGuiness do best? BIG. And who's bigger than the Hulk? Especially the people-eating, beer-swilling, hippie-bashing Ultimate Hulk. This Ultimatum Tie-In gives us Ultimate Hulk being his usual bad-ass self, Zarda (remember her from the Squadron Supreme world?) being her usual death goddess self.. and hey, Ultimate Captain America too! All we know is that the one-two punch of two awesome artists like Ed McGuiness and Marko Djurdevic make this one something we have got to check out this week. Click here to read more about Ultimate Hulk Annual 1!

FANTASTIC FOUR 562 : is this the threat from 1985?

Ultimates creative team Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch have made Fantastic Four a big time must read, and their last story arc, the Death of the Invisible Woman has set up a lot of interesting things. Basically, Fantastic Four ,1985 (which if you haven't read yet, PICK IT UP!), and Old Man Logan are all tied together according to Millar..and in this issue, we get to see the funeral for the Invisible Woman from... the future of Old Man Logan. And, Marvel even rumored maybe a threat from the world of 1985!? We'll see this week, I guess! Click here to read more about Fantastic Four 562!

1 comment:

Rgutro said...

Steve- Thanks for this GREAT rundown! - Although I've rapidly been losing interest in "FINAL CRISIS" I picked up the "Secret Files" about Libra, and it was the BEST story to come out of Final Crisis so far. I have JLA #111 orig. series, with the intro and death of Libra- (bought it when it came out in the 1970s) and thought it strange that Libra never had an origin. This story answered that question and what happened to him afterward. It was a good recap of JLA #111, too. Okay, I'm interested in Final Crisis again.