This is it, Third Eye Faithful! The biggest event in comics in nearly two decades begins this week with the conclusion to FLASHPOINT in FLASHPOINT #5, and the debut of the first DC RELAUNCH title, in JUSTICE LEAGUE #1. Words cannot express how big of a thing this all is, and we cannot wait to see it go down. The DC RELAUNCH, as I'm sure you've heard us talking about for pretty much the entirety of the summer, is a monumental undertaking where the entire DC COMICS line is renumbering at #1, and kicking off a fresh start for the entire universe. Now, this does not mean DC is throwing away the years upon years of established and compelling storylines they've told throughout the last few decades, but it does mean that they are streamlining their universe, tweaking things a little bit, and pushing the DC UNIVERSE into the 21st Century. The one thing that I think is really striking about the line-up of the NEW 52 titles in the DC RELAUNCH, is the solid balance between blockbuster top tier books, solid fan-favorites, books with major sleeper hit potential, and then some titles which are daring new approaches to comic book storytelling. In other words: they've got an entire balance set for the DCU, and it's looking great. This week marks the debut of the NEW 52, as DC has dubbed their line, and we're totally pumped. First, the conclusion of FLASHPOINT arrives in the pages of FLASHPOINT #5. This is a landmark issue which explains the cause and effect for the DC RELAUNCH. For those of you not reading FLASHPOINT, I highly recommend picking up FLASHPOINT 1-5 this Wednesday, as it provides a very nice primer on the upcoming DC RELAUNCH. What is FLASHPOINT? In the world of FLASHPOINT, Barry Allen, the FLASH, wakes up, and discovers that the entire DC UNIVERSE has changed, and no one realizes it except for him. In this world, Superman's shuttle never landed on Earth, Abin Sur never got his ring, and Bruce Wayne was murdered as a child, with his father taking on the mantle of Batman instead. Throughout the FLASHPOINT series, we've seen some major revelations going down that lead us into the world of FLASHPOINT, including the integration of various Wildstorm characters into the DCU, like GRIFTER. Now, this Wednesday, FLASHPOINT wraps up with FLASHPOINT #5, and gives way to the DC NEW 52. And, that leads us to the big one, Third Eye Faithful: JUSTICE LEAGUE #1. This one is the flagship title of the new line of DC RELAUNCH titles. It's freakin' big, Third Eye Faithful, no doubt. And, the creative team that's on it is just as big: GEOFF JOHNS, the writer of BLACKEST NIGHT, BRIGHTEST DAY, and FLASHPOINT, and JIM LEE, the legendary comics creator who founded IMAGE COMICS, and worked with CHRIS CLAREMONT on X-MEN #1 in the early '90s, not to mention penned influential stories like BATMAN: HUSH in recent years. The creative team on this one alone is HUGE. And, the actual direction of JUSTICE LEAGUE is even cooler. Many of the DC NEW 52 titles will be set in the past, re-telling the origins and founding days of the characters but set against the backdrop of contemporary times. JUSTICE LEAGUE is that kind of book, but the fascinating thing about JUSTICE LEAGUE, is it encapsulates so much of the DC UNIVERSE, that this is the book that will literally explain the whos, the whats, the wheres, and the hows of the new DC UNIVERSE. And, the line-up is great. The biggest icons of the DC UNIVERSE on the JUSTICE LEAGUE, and folks, that's where they belong. We love seeing a JUSTICE LEAGUE composed of major heavyweights like SUPERMAN, BATMAN, and GREEN LANTERN. Throw in some kick-ass characters like CYBORG and WONDER WOMAN, and it makes for a very cool line-up. All in all, these two books will be two of the biggest comics to come out in this decade. If you've ever been looking to jump back into modern comics, or if you're just a Marvel or indie fan who's always wanted to try DC, then now is the time. And, for those of you who're long-time DC fans, you are in for a treat, because the DCU is looking better than ever. DC RELAUNCH MIDNIGHT RELEASE PARTY at 12AM 8/31/11, LINE-UP BEGINS AT 9PM on TUESDAY NIGHT. To kick off this monumental event, we're hosting a HUGE midnight release party for JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 and FLASHPOINT #5. These two books are so important that DC is allowing us to release them early to kick off the event. You can begin lining up on Tuesday at 9PM, and we'll have tons of festivities to keep you entertained until we open our doors at 12AM to sell JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 and FLASHPOINT #5. *Win a $75 gift card by coming in costume, whoever receives the biggest crowd response will win a $75 gift card. *Win a $60 gift card by participating in our trivia contest, teams of up to 3 players are allowed. *Take part in special sales, like BUY TWO TRADE PAPERBACKS, GET A THIRD 52% OFF, and more. *First ten people in line get Third Eye grab bags loaded up with awesome stuff, like hardcovers, toys, and comics. *Be one of the first people in the country to read the conclusion to FLASHPOINT #5, and the debut JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 Click here to RSVP on FACEBOOK to the upcoming DC RELAUNCH MIDNIGHT RELEASE Event. DC RELAUNCH: BUY 52, SAVE 52 PROMOTION AT THIRD EYE IN SEPTEMBER. BUY ALL 52 #1s and SAVE $52 NO PRE-PAYMENT NECESSARY.
We know that there's a ton of you guys who're totally stoked about collecting ALL of the #1s, as well as many of you who're already stoked about many of them and are on the fence about getting all 52 #1s. Well, to give you an added incentive to try them all, we're offering a VERY special promotion. We'll be giving out post cards this week, beginning at the MIDNIGHT RELEASE PARTY, and continuing throughout the month. These post cards have ALL 52 #1 covers on them. Every time you buy one of the new 52 #1s, we'll stamp that cover on the card. If you fill that card by the end of September, you can redeem it for a $52 gift card, which is valid at any time, on any item, at either location. Click here to read more about our BUY 52, SAVE 52 promotion. Click here to add JUSTICE LEAGUE or FLASHPOINT to your subscription list. Click here to find out more about our DC RELAUNCH MIDNIGHT RELEASE PARTY Click here to read more about the BUY 52, SAVE 52 Promotion at Third Eye SPIDER ISLAND CHAPTER TWO: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #668 THIS WEDNESDAY DELIVERS THE SECOND CHAPTER OF THE KICK-ASS NEW SPIDER ISLAND STORY ARC 
Man, Dan Slott is hitting homerun after homerun with the SPIDER ISLAND crossover that's running through the SPIDER-MAN titles. He's seriously delivering one of the coolest Spider-Man arcs we've read in a long time, and the storyline has us totally nostalgic and totally reminiscent of youthful favorites of our's like MAXIMUM CARNAGE. The large scope of the story, coupled with the over-the-top plot concept, and the loads of awesome Spidey villains and supporting cast who're being brought into the story, have got us hooked. What is SPIDER ISLAND? Beginning with the official prelude in AMAZING SPIDERMAN #666, this storyline shows us a Manhattan that's under siege by a disease that's turning nearly everyone on the island into Spider-Man-esque individuals. Some of these transformations are grisly (sprouting extral imbs, and eyes), while others are a little less extreme. However, one thing is constant: EVERYONE is getting SPIDER-MAN powers, including the various super-villains and superheroes of New York. With Humberto Ramos and CASELLI handling the art chores on this one al ongside Slott, we're freakin' loving EVERY second of it. This book screams with the kind of energy Spidey had back in his hey day, and totally brings back the energy and fun of Spider-Man that's been kind of lacking for the last few years. If you're looking for a killer new story arc to follow, or if you've just been out of the loop with Spidey for a while, we highly recommend snagging SPIDER ISLAND and checking out the recent developments. Missed #666 *PRELUDE* and #667 *CHAPTER ONE*? We've got copies of both in stock to catch you up. Click here for a preview of AMAZING SPIDERMAN #668 *SPIDER ISLAND PT 2* Click here for the official THIRD EYE COMICS SPIDER ISLAND CHECKLIST Click here to add SPIDER ISLAND to your subscription list THE REBIRTH OF THE ULTIMATE UNIVERSE CONTINUES THIS WEDNESDAY WITH ULTIMATE HAWKEYE #1 of 4 FROM "ULTIMATES" writer JONATHAN HICKMAN (also the maestro behind RED WING, SHIELD, FF, and countless others) 
We've been going on, and on for weeks now about how much we're loving the new direction of the ULTIMATE UNIVERSE. And, after enjoying the heck out of last week's ULTIMATES #1, we gotta say: we are hooked. We're fiending for more awesome ULTIMATE UNIVERSE stuff, and luckily, Marvel is happy to oblige with this week's ULTIMATE HAWKEYE #1, from the one, and only JONATHAN HICKMAN. We've always really enjoyed the ULTIMATE take on HAWKEYE, as this sleek, badass assassin who shows up with a duffle bag full of guns, and can kill a man with his fingernails, and having Hickman writing him is the perfect recipe for a kick-ass comic. Set against the backdrop of the new ULTIMATE UNIVERSE, and spinning out of the events of ULTIMATE FALLOUT, ULTIMATE HAWKEYE establishes the role and direction of Hawkeye in the new Ultimate Universe, while at the same time expanding on the overall feel and sense of the ULTIMATE UNIVERSE. If you've been digging what you've been reading in titles like DEATH OF ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, ULTIMATE FALLOUT, and last week's ULTIMATE COMICS ULTIMATES #1, then we feel like you're gonna love ULTIMATE HAWKEYE. Click here to add ULTIMATE HAWKEYE to your subscription box. Click here to read a preview of ULTIMATE HAWKEYE #1 BOOM! STUDIOS DEBUTS A KILLER NEW CRIME COMIC IN THE TRADITION OF "CRIMINAL", "BLUE ESTATE", "LAST DAYS OF AMERICAN CRIME", and "INCOGNITO with THE RINSE #1 THIS WEDNESDAY ONLY $1.00 
Man, is this like a golden age of crime comics or what? There's so many good comics coming out of the crime comic genre these days, and this Wednesday, the publishers of IRREDEEMABLE, HELLRAISER, ELRIC THE BALANCE LOST, and more debut a brand new series from acclaimed crime novelist GARY PHILLIPS. THE RINSE is a story of a high finance, and low-down greed as Jeff Sinclair, the premiere laundryman in San Francisco, is unwillingly pulled into a dangerous gig laundering $25 million in stolen casino skim money. Forced to truly consider his line of work and the evil that he facilitates, Jeff must find a way to clean the cash and wash away his own sins. A grounded, gritty look at the world of money laundering in the vein of Elmore Leonard novels, or Quentin Tarantino films, THE RINSE brings another crime comics classic in the making. I read the full preview of this one, and personally, I really dig it. If you're into BLUE ESTATE, especially, you'll like this one, as the tone is very similar. Click here to add THE RINSE to your subscription box. UNCANNY X-FORCE #14 *DARK ANGEL SAGA PT 4* - Rick Remender is delivering one of THE best Marvel Comics on the stands with UNCANNY X-FORCE, and we cannot get enough! 
It's only been a week since I ranted and raved about how awesome UNCANNY X-FORCE is. So, in summary: great story, amazing artwork, plot twists galore, breakneck pacing, sharp dialogue, and total '90s nostalgia with characters like AGE OF APOCALYPSE counter-parts, Lady Deathstrike, and more playing major roles... these are all things we love about UNCANNY X-FORCE. This week, the fourth installment of the DARK ANGEL SAGA arrives, and even though we just got pt 3 last week, I'll gladly take pt 4 this week; cause the book is THAT good. I can't wait for the next ones! For those of you not keeping up with UNCANNY X-FORCE, the book has a tone and feel that fits somewhere between the very early days of X-FACTOR, and the sleek, modern feel of Joss Whedon's ASTONISHING X-MEN. Of course, with a lot more blood thrown into the mix. It's just a great X-Book. The current arc surrounds ARCH ANGEL, who's been slowly slipping back into his DEATH ANGEL persona, and his comrades in X-Force, decide to find a cure. And, that cure is only available in one place: the alternate universe known as the AGE OF APOCALYPSE. All I can say, Third Eye Faithful, is this book rocks. Wanna jump on board? Snag issue #10, the prelude to DARK ANGEL SAGA, and then catch up on 11-14 this week. We've got all the issues in stock. Click here to add UNCANNY X-FORCE to your subscription box Click here for a preview of UNCANNY X-FORCE #14 *DARK ANGEL SAGA PT 4* SECRET AVENGERS #16 - BRAND NEW CREATIVE TEAM JOINS ONE OF OUR FAVORITE MARVEL TITLES. WELCOME WARREN ELLIS (TRANSMETROPOLITAN, CAPTAIN SWING, PLANETARY) and JAMIE MCKELVIE (PHONOGRAM) TO SECRET AVENGERS... AND IT LOOKS AWESOME.  We have been big fans of SECRET AVENGERS since it's debut, and while we really dug some of the creators who've worked on the book since Brubaker left; we feel it's been missing the kind of psychotronic Jim Steranko-fueled insanity that those early issues set on Mars had. Well, it looks like the psychotronia gets turned up to 110%, as SECRET AVENGERS welcomes a brand new creative team of WARREN ELLIS (PLANETARY, SUPERGOD, TRANSMETROPOLITAN) and JAMIE MCKELVIE (PHONOGRAM). Both of these creators are freakin' phenomenal, and to see the two working together, well, heck, it's a treat. More importantly, I know that Ellis can capture the same kind of manic, super spy insanity that Brubaker first introduced as the core concept in a team of Avengers who were invented to operate in the shadows of the super-hero community. Run the mission. Don't get seen. Save the world. That's the SECRET AVENGERS. This is a brand new story arc, and a perfect jumping on point, this story starts with a secret city buried one mile under American soil, and it's discovered through the leakage of Von Doom radiation -- a type of energy emitted only by time-travel devices. So the SECRET AVENGERS head underground to a weird metropolis forgotten about for decades, because a time machine in the wrong hands the worst kind of WMD imaginable. This is going to be one heck of an awesome read, and if you're a fan of the high-octane, fast-paced storytelling of UNCANNY X-FORCE, we feel you'll dig the new direction of SECRET AVENGERS. Click here to add SECRET AVENGERS to your subscription list. Click here to read a preview of SECRET AVENGERS #16 BUTCHER BAKER THE RIGHTEOUS MAKER #6 - The most outrageous, most cynical, and most over-the-top take on superheroes continues this Wednesday. If THE COMEDIAN from the WATCHMEN had his own comic.. it'd be BUTCHER BAKER.  The world of BUTCHER BAKER is a fascinating, and intriguing place. We love this sleazy, over-the-top, ultra-violent take on a jaded former patriotic superhero who's come out of retirement in a bid to kill all of his old super-villains. Joe Casey delivers the same kind of humor that you find in Garth Ennis's THE BOYS, but even more ridiculous, and over-the-top. The character of Butcher Baker reminds us strongly of THE COMEDIAN from WATCHMEN, if he existed in some warped version of a Looney Tunes cartoon. Highly recommended, if you missed the first 5 issues of this hilarious series, don't worry, 'cause we've got issues 1-5 in stock to catch you up to this week's #6. Click here to add BUTCHER BAKER RIGHTEOUS MAKER to your subscription list. ANGEL & FAITH #1 FILLS IN THE GAPS BETWEEN BUFFY: SEASON 8 and BUFFY: SEASON 9, WHILE RE-INTRODUCING ANGEL BACK INTO THE DARK HORSE WHEDONVERSE.
You guys know us. We're huge Whedon fans at Third Eye. HUGE. And, while we were totally sad to see the ending of BUFFY SEASON 8, we did really dig how Whedon and co. tied everything up. Now, we're gearing up for the soon-to-be-released BUFFY SEASON 9, and holy crap, is it sounding awesome! Dark Horse is getting everybody pumped for the new BUFFY series with their official re-introduction of ANGEL (after a long stay at IDW) to the Dark Horse WHEDONVERSE. This title fills in the gaps between BUFFY SEASON 8 and the upcoming BUFFY SEASON 9. Left in a near-catatonic state following the events in Buffy Season 8, Angel will need a seriously rude awakening if he's to make amends for his ill-conceived deeds. Enter rebel Slayer with a cause - Faith Lehane. Together they'll have full access to the Watcher files and opportunities to make amends for all they've done.. and will do. Click here to add ANGEL & FAITH to your subscription box. Click here for a preview of ANGEL & FAITH #1 GAMBIT FROM THE VAULT ONE-SHOT DELIVERS A THROWBACK GAMBIT STORY FROM THE '90s THAT TOTALLY ROCKS  Gambit vs. Modok. Yes. You heard me. Gambit vs. Modok. This alone, Third Eye Faithful, is worth the price of admission. I mean, one's a suave icon of '90s X-Nostalgia, and total awesomeness, and the other one is the most awesome giant floating head bad guy ever. Gambit vs. Modok. I'm already sold. Seriously though, this is another of Marvel's super fun FROM THE VAULT one-shots which take a previously unreleased story and re-issue it for all to see. This one shows X-Man GAMBIT joining the CHAMPIONS to take down MODOK. From those halcyon days gone by when the Champions were L.A's premier super-team comes this amazing assemblage featuring: Ghost Rider, the Black Widow, Angel, Remy LeBeau, and the demi-god HERCULES. The Champions are in a desperate race to stop the malevolent MODOK from coming into possession of the Scroll of Vishota. With such a parchment in your control, world domination is only moments away.. and really, who wants a world run by a giant floating head? At the end of the day, it's more Gambit awesomeness in a world where I think we could all do with more Gambit stories. Click here to add GAMBIT FROM THE VAULT #1 to your subscription box. STAFF PICKS STEVE: ULTIMATES #1 - The magic is back! Marvel's ULTIMATES series was one of my favorites when Millar/Hitch first launched, and hot damn, Hickman has done the best ULTIMATE book since the originals. TRISH: KICK ASS 2 #3 - Most definitely worth the wait every time. If you're NOT reading this comic yet... fix that right away cause it.. kicks ass. Sorry, I had to. TORMA: TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #1 - Very much in line with the original MIRAGE TMNT comics, this was an EXCELLENT start to the new TMNT ongoing from IDW. TONY (PRINCE FREDERICK): THE PUNISHER #2 - The way Rucka is writing the PUNISHER in this new ongoing series is the best I've read since Ennis on PUNISHER MAX. |
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